Welcome to
Good Food Easy
Eugene & Springfield’s year-round CSA!
Summer is a great time to join Good Food Easy, with its abundance of all your warm-season favorites. We offer the very best of local and organically grown produce from our own farm and other local and Northwest growers, year-round. Good Food Easy delivers fresh local food weekly to neighborhoods around Eugene, Springfield, and Creswell. You can choose from three sizes of shares to suit your family’s needs, weekly or every-other-week schedule, skip weeks whenever you need to, and even customize your share to your preferences. See our CSA Details and Membership page to find a Good Food Easy pickup site near you!
Hungry for local and organic food?
Our CSA makes getting GOOD FOOD easy!
We looked at the current models of CSA’s (farm subscription programs)and found the most often heard complaints are:
- It is a big commitment in money and length of subscription
- There is too much food for a small household
- What do you do with 3 lb. of lettuce at one time?
- The CSA isn’t there when you need it most, winter and early spring
We can avoid these problems because of some unique strengths at Sweetwater Farm:
- Sweetwater Farm has 26,000 sq. ft. of greenhouse space to extend the growing season. We harvest greens and root vegetables year-round, and lay in supplies of storage staples such as onions, potatoes, garlic, and winter squash.
- We buy produce from other local organic growers to supplement our harvest, so there is always a good variety of fruit and vegetables in the shares. We’re happy to have mutually beneficial relationships with a number of other local organic growers.
We have 3 sizes of subscriptions, and you only need to commit to Good Food Easy a month at a time.
When you join Good Food Easy you are supporting the best of local agriculture – our farm and other local small organic farms, larger Oregon and NW organic growers, and our locally owned organic produce distributor.
Please get in touch with us if you have questions. We’d like to hear from you and tell you more about Good Food Easy!
Erica , Tom, and Isaac
83036 Weiss Rd.
Creswell, OR 97426
You can e-mail us at: